Dienstag, 1. September 2009

New Flash Game: Desertstrike

I started working on this game ages ago in flash mx with real bad as1 code cluttered all over the timeline and all screen objects sitting off the stage, waiting to be duplicateMovie-ed. When you resized the flash emdeds size you would actually see them all at once. But by the time it was finshed, some game website dude saw it and offered me 350 bucks for releasing it, so that was my first commercial success (sort of) in game development and got me all excited about that kind of stuff.

Then later, when as3 first started I was kinda lazy about it and could not really see the advantages over as1 (which is what i still used back then) until one day I decided to give this game another shot and complete re-code for teaching myself as3. This is the recently finished version, so check it, and beat that highscore: www.pbswine.de

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